Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Old Man of the Mountains Franconia, New Hampshire

Old Man of the Mountains Franconia, New Hampshire, originally uploaded by Jeff Wignall.

This is the famous Old Man of the Mountains (aka Old Stone Face) that looked down on Profile Lake in Franconia Notch, New Hampshire for thousands of years. The great stone face came crashing to the valley floor on May 3, 2003 after a very tough winter. The photo was shot on Kodak Ektachrome film, by the way. You can read more about it the photo (and why it's important to shoot things when you see them!) on my: Travel Photography Blog . Read what Daniel Webster had to say about the Old Man (scroll to bottom of page). Copyright 2008 Jeff Wignall, all rights reserved.

Today, May 3rd, is the eighter anniversary of the falling of the iconic Man of the Mountain. So iconic was the stone formation on the side of a cliff in Franconia, used on everything from our state highway signs to our state quarter and license plates, that many NHites worried that the state had lost its identity. Now, eight years later, it is evident that the Old Man lives on in the hearts of NHites. We can never forget you, Old Man!

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