Freedom will never be Free.
I am proud to be an American: not an Anglo-American or a German-American or any other type of politically correct terminology for living here in the United States of America. I am an American, period.
Our country is the greatest nation on Earth. We were founded 230 years ago from the determination and principles of stout men who believed in basic human liberty. Today, men and women of the same character and conviction continue to defend our freedoms. Every day they willingly stand, for all of us, against enemies that would do us harm as well as destroy our way of life. Every single day they risk their lives to ensure that ours are safe. We can never thank them enough. As a nation we uniquely hold the most generous of liberties in our hands at all times. These liberties come with a price. They are not to be taken lightly. For generations now men and women have answered the call to preserve what we all too often take for granted. It breaks my heart to hear of fallen soldiers who never again will see their families and loved ones. It further breaks my heart to know they will never again enjoy the liberties that they died for. And yet, I am so very, very proud of them.
Our beautiful flag represents all of those who have fought for and defended it. They command our respect for their past commitments and their continued sacrifices. Take pride whenever you see our flag, but be particularly proud this weekend. And, if you can, thank a veteran. They earned it.
I salute all those who served before me; I am proud of all those who have served since.
I pledge allegiance to the Flag
of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands:
one Nation under God, indivisible,
With Liberty and Justice for all.
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